Meet Our New Mattress Topper The entire world is focused on the same issue right now: mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Doctors are concentrating on saving patients, scientists are actively researching potential vaccines and/or antiviral medications, and everyone is trying to figure out how to minimize risk while maintaining a level of normalcy — including us here at BedInABox®. You might be wondering; how can a mattress company help with the management of this virus? Our solution: Investing in products that sanitize and purify your sleep spaces. While there are many unknowns about the life of this virus, one thing is scientifically certain: the COVID-19 pathogen dies soon after touching copper surfaces. After further investigating and consulting with professionals, our team developed a mattress topper made with Memory Lux® Copper foam — memory foam infused with real copper. Our Copper Topper™ contains up to 20 times more copper than any other copper mattress or mattress t...